Starvation Stream access to Rangihau Gorge


Rangihau Rd is not maintained by the council, but the local landowners.

The recent popularity of Oteao and Rangihau has lead to a significant increase in vehicle traffic, and locals who maintain the road are concerned about damage to the road.

Please drive slowly and carefully, and avoid using the road during/after rain.

It is vital to keep a good relationship with the landowners (who pay for road maintenance) If we ruin a relationship, then the access might remain closed permanently.

Please inform your friends and canyoning buddies and watch this space for updates:

Dan Clearwater NZCA President & Brad Schimanski NZCA Local area rep

This stream was descended when exploring ways to access the Rangihau Gorge. It had a few bits of canyoning, but wasn’t really worth it. Bulls Run Canyon is the best way to access the Lower Rangihau Gorge

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