Canyon submission form

Thanks for recording your descent for the Canyoning community!

Its worth having a quick skim across the form before you start filling it out. Info doesn’t save as you fill it out, so if you close your browser before hitting submit, then you’ll have to start again!

If this isn’t for you, then you can download a word doc template and email it to us instead.

It’s a big form, but most of the fields are optional: so you can send us as little or as much as you like. The more you can provide, the better the community resource we can build.

Things like photos and topos should be emailed to us separately: either as attachments or a link to a cloud download.

Photos are really helpful, but things like a topo drawing aren’t essential. If you have problems with the form, want to edit what you’ve written, or include more photos/files, then just email us.

Your details


About your canyon


Photos, topos, maps, sketches

  • Due to some people having errors when uploading larger files by this form, please email any photos & topos as attachments or download link direct to us: If you can, please rename your photos "Canyon name - feature name - photographer name" before you send them. A size guide would be maximum of 2Mb per photo. 1600px is a good dimension for the longest side, but we'll resize them if we need to!
  • Please only click the button once, and don't hit refresh on your broswer, otherwise you'll loose all the info! We will reply in a day or three to acknowledge your contribution.


Just click once, it may take a few moments to submit. Clicking again or re-loading risks wiping all your info!