Army Creek v3a1II

Public access

2-3 significant pitches before it joins with Navy creek.

Haehaenga Stream (1st/main tributary) v3a2III*

30m Public Access Steep, Low flow Stream accessed via the Bald Spur summit track from Te Aroha Domain. It is advised to park a shuttle car at the first bridge heading south out of town on Te Aroha-Gordon Road to avoid a long walk back to town at the end of the day!Natural anchors and…

Tunakohoia Canyon v4a2II**

32m Public access 6.5hrs Tunakohoia is a little gem of a canyon nestled in the hills behind Te Aroha Township. Generally low flow, this is an ideal winter trip as you are not required to spend long periods in the water. The canyon is a lot of fun after some rain when the flow increases…