Gamblers Canyon v4a1IV*

60m (2x60m)
Public access
Golden Bay, Top of the South.

Steep, low flow v-profile canyon.

Taipo Creek v3a1II*

35m (R30 + DC5m)
3 hrs
Public access

Steep waterfall stream with numerous small – medium abseils concentrated in 500m of streamway.

Parapara Gorge

Probable tubing/swim canyon 5 Km south of Collingwood, Golden Bay. From a Kayaking guide book, a bedrock gorge with lots of small drops and pools.  Kayaking flows are 8-15 cumecs, so something around 2-3 cumecs might be sensible for a Canyoning descent. Public Access by walking the 4wd track from the end of ‘Plain Road’…

Lower Slate Gorge v1a3III*

Gorge walk/swim. More of a tough tramping trip then a real canyoning trip. 8 Km SW of Collingwood, Golden Bay. 5hrs round trip. No ropes required Download Slate River Lower Gorge information sheet.