Aquatic canyoning then big wall exit over the 4 leaps of Humboldt Falls (275m)
Abruzzi Canyon
First descent March 2024. More info coming soon!
Not-Abruzzi 3
In March 2024, Austin Edwards ascended from Dart River to the 700m contour, with no evidence of canyon found. Perhaps there could be canyon above here, but the nearby Abruzzi had its good canyon section between 600 and 700m, so that is the most obvious rock band to be searching for the nearby drainages.
Not-Abruzzi 2 (Trident drainage)
In March 2024, Austin Edwards ascended from Dart River to the 700m contour, with no evidence of canyon found. Perhaps there could be canyon above here, but the nearby Abruzzi had its good canyon section between 600 and 700m, so that is the most obvious rock band to be searching for the nearby drainages.