This canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook.
Guidebook updates
R1 is now double bolted (10mm stainless tru-bolts)
R2 is double bolted on the huge bedrock bulge, TR.
After R4, the DC now has a single bolt TL, for a handline or 5m rappel (slippery/tricky downclimb otherwise)
the R4 label is used twice, (once for the actual R4, and then for what should be R5). This might cause some confusion when reading the topo and the description.
The description (3 paragraph, page 405) should read:
“R4 has a ‘dry’ landing on a ledge, which can then be easily downclimbed. R5 has been slid on the TR, but the margins for a safe slide are very small. There is a very deep undercut on the TR of this pool, where the waterfall enters the pool. “
Below the real R5, there is now a single ‘belay’ bolt on the on the TL ! traverse to the J5m. This allows you to be on belay whilst traversing a slippery slope to the jumping point.
The water check was 4 fingers below the water mark. All the anchors were there and in good condition.
Good trip, water was two fingers below the mark (Roaring billy was 125cu).
Followed a great track all the way to the canyon. As already mentioned, get kitted up at the top as a load of loose rock is likely to fall as you descend to the canyon.
All anchors in good condition, some tape is showing its age but still usable. Most of the pools are still super deep and clear of logs. Great trip.
Another great early season trip through Ore Stream.
R4 anchor was missing a nut on the ring hanger, but the hanger was still sitting on the thread so must have worked its way loose somehow? No vegetation stuck on it as is usually the case when anchors are submerged. Anyway, I added one of my spares (you all carry a spare nut or 2 on your trips, yes?) and also tightened the top hanger which was slightly loose.
Otherwise, everything as when I last when through (Dan’s trip report), red tape for descent from the ridge still there and very obvious. The track down will get progressively eroded over time, so be warned that it is steep and loose and will not improve in that regard.
Water level was 1 finger below the mark.
For the approach, there’s now a red bit of webbing around a tree which marks the start of the descent.
Once you are nearing where the steep climb levels out, make sure you move to within sight of the sheer cliff edge.. You’ll notice a gully system up valley, and when the rim lowers slightly, the red tape tree should be easy to spot.
Its about 3m from the rim, and when you peer over the edge you think “that’ll probably work” before or after that spot, you peer over and think “no way am I going down there”.
Follow steeply descending ledges, first to the left for approx 8mins, then angling back to the right for another 8… After the right hand ledge peters out, you’ll be able to see the water, directly below in a steep gully.
Although it looks a bit too steep, it does work, and you can walk to the water.
If you’re not happy, then use the rope that you flaked out, and the harnesses you put on at the top!
Good luck! About 100m vertical descent, 25mins from the rim to the water.
The first J6m pool is completely clean (logs gone) but there’s a big log in the R1 pool. You can actually ‘walk the plank’ on rope to reach the TR boulder where there’s a safe eddy.
Water level was about 1 finger below the mark.
Descended canyon on 03/01/18, waterflow was sweet (3 fingers underneath mark showed in guidebook). All anchors in place and still in good condition. Some hard to reach.
It looks like the tree that’s in the pool at the first big jump (J6 – see pic on p.401 in the guidebook) has moved (fallen down towards the waterfall), which results in jumping over the tree. This is a technical jump, landing real close to the poor over in a small surface.
It might be useful to place an anchor on this point to make a safe descent in higher water flows.
30-1-18 the log is where it has always been, it hasn’t moved. This is a technical jump and as with the entire canyon requires an very experienced team of Canyoners working togeather well to decend safley.